We love to sit and do puzzles as a family and when I walked past this 'People Zoo' puzzle was too cute to pass up. With 4/5 of us working on it, it only took about an hour to finish. And now it is boxed back up and at my sisters' for her family to have fun!
Photo 7
As I was typing last week, I realized how much those darn keys were sticking and that it was time to clean the keyboard. And even though I can type without looking...I still wanted assurance that the keys would go back in the same spot! :) Knowing me, I have would mix M with N, Q with W, and all of the 'symbols' keys. So...I took a few picks to help~
Photo 8
These are some PJ pants that my daughter was wearing. I just thought that they were very cute with all of the faces and 'text' talk. I actually learned something...lol (see)
Photo 9
These kitties will sit anywhere...especially a clean pile of close fresh from the dryer (still warm and comfy). I went to start another load, and they jumped at the chance to sit.
Photo 10
The hubby and I took a walk through American Furniture, and we found this entertainment system! I fell in love with it and he fell in love with the TV. lol Ahh...someday.
Photo 11
This is a portrait of my family when I was a 17. It was taken on my hubby's phone and a little crooked...but it is great to see how much we have changed.
Photo 12
My grandmother passed away a couple of years ago and my uncle is just now getting through to sort through her things and pass them on to family. I received these angles. She used to have them in the living room up on a mantle. There is really no special memory associated with them, but just to have something of hers is special.